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News & Commentary
Content tagged with Channels posted in November 2013
Insurers Return to Text Messages for Customer Interaction
News  |  11/26/2013  | 
They're not as flashy as apps, but text messages gets the job done quickly and easily for insurance companies.
Tornado Relief: Insurers Head West
News  |  11/21/2013  | 
Three insurers deployed web-enabled vehicles with additional devices in an effort to relieve tornado victims quickly and efficiently.
Are Americans Ready to Trust Telematics?
Commentary  |  11/21/2013  | 
A survey finds "consumers’ desire to … [use] connected devices and technology to help them make better decisions" — can this apply to insurance?
Optimizing the Insurance Tablet Experience
Commentary  |  11/13/2013  | 
Clients now expect advisors to leverage tablet devices in business; and most expect the experience to be delivered as though it has always existed.
What Insurers Can Learn from Blockbuster's Demise
News  |  11/12/2013  | 
The digital world doesn't mean online-only interaction, as a competitor to the shuttered video store illustrates -- and one insurer has noticed.
Insurance Buyers Kick Off Purchase Process on Mobile, Finish Offline
News  |  11/5/2013  | 
Research from call tracking firm finds that customers flock to mobile devices to begin their search for coverage, but still lean on a local touch.

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