11:42 AM
CRM Briefs
Financial institutions are seeking ways to reduce the costs of conducting business over the telephone channel, according to a Meridien Research (Newton, MA) report, due to increasing call volumes, escalating costs of telephone-based customer service, higher expectations in service quality, and the complexity of inquiries.
Siebel Systems (San Mateo, CA) and Noetix (Bellevue, WA) have agreed to develop Noetix's data integration software product to support Siebel's e-business applications. The product enables mapping, discovery, storage, and the generation of business views.
Perseus Development Corp. (Raintree, MA) announced the release of SurveySolutions Enterprise Portal for integration with CRM applications using Oracle, SQLServer, DB2 and other SQL databases. The SurveySolutions Enterprise Portal is a Web-portal component allowing organizations to give their employees access to survey results as they happen.