02:01 PM
Cyber News
AIG Excess Casualty, a division of New York-based AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP (AIG), has launched AIG e-Excess (www.aigexcess.com), a Web-based system that provides brokers with the ability to receive quotes and bind selected umbrella coverage.
EBIX.COM, INC. (At-lanta), has partnered with RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (RMT, Tarrytown, NY), to give surety agents and brokers using the ebixASP system access to RMT's The Surety Bond Technician, an automated bond management system.
Auto insurance coverage from San Francisco-based ESURANCE, INC. (www. esurance.com) is now available in 26 states, with the addition of Nebraska and Utah.
Newton, MA-based INSURANCE.COM, an affiliate of Fidelity Invest-ments, will provide visitors to its site with comparative term-life quotes supplied by RELIA-QUOTE's (McLean, VA, www.reliaquote.com) quoting engine.
"New York is the first to do this with any kind of clarity," says Chubb's Jon Bidwell of the e-commerce guidelines.