09:24 AM
Hot Products
Veratium Software, LTD (VANCOUVER, BC) launched MOTIVUS, a wireless software product that provides mobile business people with access to their personal office computers, as well as their documents and files. MOTIVUS enables the viewing, editing, and emailing of files. Veratium also is launching the MOTIVUS wireless inbox, which connects remote users to their office email. MOTIVUS need only be deployed once, claims Veratium. Pricing for both products will be based on an annual subscription rate.
Application Execution Control
SecureWave (Luxembourg) has released version 1.1 of SecureEXE, its application execution control product. SecureEXE eliminates a range of security threats and management problems including executable viruses, games, suspicious downloads and unlicensed software, claims SecureWave. The new improvements include Microsoft Windows terminal services and Citrix MetaFrame compatability, customizable log-on processes and enhanced setup and documentation.
Data Mining
NCR Corp. (Dayton, OH) has released the newest version of the Teradata Warehouse with accompanying data mining technology tied to its data warehousing system. Teradata Warehouse Miner augments the Teradata database with a number of data mining algorithms, including linear regression that helps analyze customer behavior, according to NCR. The previous version of the software, called Teraminer, processed only data stored in the Teradata database to prepare it for data mining, says the vendor.