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Introducing 2007's Insurance & Technology Elite 8

This year, as last year, and as always, we feature a cross section of honorees from the P&C, life and health insurance sectors. While representing a similar pool of companies as their predecessors, this year's honorees will surprise the reader with their unique qualities and backgrounds.

Insurance & Technology's annual Elite 8 November issue is about to hit the streets. We're pleased today to take the opportunity through our I&T News and blog channels to bring our readers a preview of this perennially popular issue.I&T's editors identify the Elite 8 through a combination of our own insights into the industry's talent and the nominations of outstanding senior technology executives by their colleagues and business partners. Selecting the Elite 8 is a time-consuming, difficult process, and a bittersweet one - because as gratifying as it is to celebrate the accomplishments of eight standout technology officers, it is disappointing to exclude many others. On the bright side, it is that abundance of talent that keeps the Elite 8 issue so vital year after year.

This year, as last year, and as always, we feature a cross section of honorees from the P&C, life and health insurance sectors. While representing a similar pool of companies as their predecessors, this year's honorees will surprise the reader with their unique qualities and backgrounds.

In a very short time, our readers will be able to read our full coverage in the paper and online versions of our magazine. In the meantime, we proudly present our annual Elite 8 podcasts, consisting of conversations between I&T's editors and the eight honorees.

We invite you to enjoy these podcasts and Nathan Conz's piece on Elite 8 honorees' grappling with the buy versus build question. We also invite you to take a look at what we have planned for our 9th annual Insurance & Technology Executive Summit, held this year at The Phoenician in Scottsdale, Ariz. This unparalleled industry event is not only the best opportunity of the year to network with fellow senior technology executives, but it is also a chance to meet the Elite 8 themselves, as we honor them at the Elite 8 2007 Ceremony and Awards Dinner on the evening of Nov. 5. To register for the Summit, just follow this link.This year, as last year, and as always, we feature a cross section of honorees from the P&C, life and health insurance sectors. While representing a similar pool of companies as their predecessors, this year's honorees will surprise the reader with their unique qualities and backgrounds.

Anthony O'Donnell has covered technology in the insurance industry since 2000, when he joined the editorial staff of Insurance & Technology. As an editor and reporter for I&T and the InformationWeek Financial Services of TechWeb he has written on all areas of information ... View Full Bio

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