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MetLife Banks on Microsoft Office for Process Efficiency

The company says that an efficient platform for communication among its global employees will allow it to invest and focus on customer-centricity.

Looking for a platform that can be used globally to manage customer interactions, MetLife has begun deployment of Microsoft Office 365 to 64,000 employees and expects to have Office 365 fully implemented by November, according to the companies.

SVP and CTO Jim O'Donnell says that the cost savings from implementing an efficient communication platform allow MetLife to reinvest in other critical technologies.

"As we expand our global presence, we had to start thinking differently about how to get things done more quickly while still putting our customers first. This absolutely affected the way we evaluated our previous technology investments," he says. "Getting all of our global employees onto one standardized platform helps us collaborate more effectively and efficiently. In turn, we can ensure the customer experience is as smooth and consistent as possible."

Unifying business units in different geographic regions is a major focus for MetLife. The company recently ran a big data event in New York featuring 80 global employees and technology partners with the goal of getting everyone on the same page with regard to analytics.

"The opportunity to take advantage of Outlook and the other tools included in the Office 365 suite will ultimately help us mitigate the time and distance factors that can be detrimental to customer service. Office 365 supports and enables our strategy of customer-centricity," O'Donnell added.

Nathan Golia is senior editor of Insurance & Technology. He joined the publication in 2010 as associate editor and covers all aspects of the nexus between insurance and information technology, including mobility, distribution, core systems, customer interaction, and risk ... View Full Bio

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