12:20 PM
Contracts worth L5.6 million have been awarded by ANFIS (Abbey National Financial Services, formerly known as Scottish Provident) to London-based Sherwood International Plc. One contract is to manage, support and develop the ANFIS implementation of Sherwood's BLISS system for two years, with a one-year extension option. Implementation will take place in conjunction with Integris, Sherwood's preferred facilities management partner.
Vitria (Sunnyvale, CA) and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Assn. (BCBSA, Chicago) have entered into a five-year national agreement under which BCBSA will promote Vitria's productsincluding BusinessWare integration technology and the Vitria Collaboration Center kit for HIPAAto its 43 member plans. The plans increasingly are looking to robust integration server products to form an infrastructure on which to connect and manage their disparate applications and systems, reports Jody Voss, executive director of business development, BCBSA.
John Loeser has been promoted to chief technology officer of the Web Technologies line of business for Healthaxis Inc. (Dallas), a developer of software solutions for the health insurance industry. Loeser, who also was named acting CTO for all of Healthaxis, replaces John Wall, who left the company. Loeser joined Healthaxis in 1998 as senior technical architect in the firm's Advanced Technology Group.
Katherine Burger is Editorial Director of Bank Systems & Technology and Insurance & Technology, members of UBM TechWeb's InformationWeek Financial Services. She assumed leadership of Bank Systems & Technology in 2003 and of Insurance & Technology in 1991. In addition to ... View Full Bio