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Paula Rosput Reynolds Leaves AIG

Paula Rosput Reynolds, AIG's chief restructuring officer, is set to leave the company in Q3 2009.

Aside from the news breaking Monday morning that AIG has elected Robert H. Benmosche as its new chief executive, other personnel changes are underway within the New York-based carrier's executive ranks.

AIG announced yesterday that Paula Rosput Reynolds has decided to leave the company effective late in the third quarter of 2009. Formerly the chief executive officer of Seattle-based Safeco, Reynolds joined AIG in October 2008 as vice chairman and chief restructuring officer. She reported to CEO Edward Liddy and was tasked with overseeing AIG's divestiture of assets and serving as chief liaison with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

"Paula has played an instrumental role in our progress, having divested operations around the world and implemented a durable, long-term restructuring plan that has stabilized the company and provided time for asset values to recover," Liddy said in a press release.

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