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News & Commentary
Content tagged with Compliance posted in June 2012
The Supreme Court Rules on the Affordable Care Act: What It Could Mean for Insurers
Slideshows  |  6/29/2012  | 
The Supreme Court’s five-to-four ruling that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate provision is constitutional because it is a tax is having many immediate consequences. It surprised many observers, positioned Chief Justice John Roberts as one of the most influential Chief Justices in history, gave President Obama a victory, and inspired Mitt Romney and other Republicans to declare they would overturn the legislation. But what will be the long-term impact? Here are opinions, r
Now What? Figuring Out the Impact of the Supreme Court's Surprising Ruling on the Affordable Care Act
Commentary  |  6/28/2012  | 
For health insurers, the potential implications or the High Court's ruling upholding most of the ACA could affect everything from premium rates to fraud detection efforts to stock performance.
Slow Growth, Regulation Driving Insurer Focus on Tech-Driven Operational Improvements, KPMG Survey
News  |  6/28/2012  | 
The three biggest technology areas respondents said would be funded were IT infrastructure, by far the largest, followed by customer growth or service, and data warehouses.
Health Insurance Mandate Constitutional — Early Reactions
Commentary  |  6/28/2012  | 
The Court held that the mandate within the Affordable Care Act to purchase health insurance is constitutional as long as states would only lose new federal funds if they fail to comply with the new requirements, rather than existing sources of healthcare-related funding.
Greek Life Insurer EFG Selects SAS For Solvency II Initiative
News  |  6/25/2012  | 
The company will use SAS Risk Management for Insurance to manage risks and calculate metrics to help meet Solvency II requirements.
Heard at IASA: Top Quotes From the 2012 IASA Conference
Slideshows  |  6/8/2012  | 
With increased attendance for the third year in a row and a sold-out exhibit hall, this year’s IASA Educational Conference and Business Show in San Diego provided evidence of the insurance industry’s health and increased IT spending. It also highlighted ongoing challenges in the areas of customer experience and retention, data management and regulatory compliance. I&T highlights some of the most provocative statements heard at the conference.
Pennsylvania Fines AIG $16.8 Million
News  |  6/1/2012  | 
The penalty is the largest ever assessed by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance.

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