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The Power of Partnerships

At ACORD's annual conference, business leaders will focus on standards and partnerships.

Although the concept is hardly new, there is a new urgency to creating and supporting working partnership between business and IT executives. That underscores the relevance of ACORD's Annual Conference 2003: Pathways to Business Success (May 18-20, Orlando), which will focus on strategies for putting together a long-term vision for successfully guiding strategic IT efforts.

This year's event, enhanced by the participation of ACORD's two partners˜Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) and Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. (DTCC)˜boasts an expanded program, with 82 workshops and sessions.

In a "Point-Counterpoint" session that kicks off the Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, May 18 (1:15-4:30 pm), industry analysts Kimberly Harris of Gartner, Matthew Josefowiczof Celent, and Jack Tyniec of TCi Consulting will debate key issues facing insurers, including increasing revenue; lowering transaction costs; and overcoming the barriers to implementation of standards- based solutions.

On Monday, May 19 (8:15-9:45 am), the Opening Session—"Pathways to Business Success"—features Larry Downes, a consultant, educator and speaker on developing business strategies in the age of new technologies. Downes, author of The Strategy Machine: Transforming Your Business for a New Industrial Revolution, will explain why he identifies open standards as one of five winning strategies.

The General Session on Tuesday, May 20 (8:45-10:30 am) features a CIO Panel Discussion, which will bring together several industry-leading tech executives to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities.

Finally, veterans of past ACORD conferences will see something different on the exhibit floor—a new exhibit floor. With more than 150 exhibitors, the show has expanded into a new, 110,000-sq.-ft. space at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort.

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