06:29 AM
Update: Cool Sites
Donna Birmingham, Project Director, American General Assurance Co. (Neptune , NJ) visits the following sites:
docscience.com, weather. com: I'm usually checking our vendor's site for its latest and greatest. The weather channel is always a must for packing when traveling for work.
mbnanetaccess.com, pnc bank.com, americanexpress.com: I do a lot of my bill paying, bankaccounting/balancing. I can easily schedule payments with mbnanetaccess.com and check my account balances with pncbank.com, americanexpress.com.
okemo.com: The ski reports are always current at www.okemo.com.
anntaylor.com, gap.com, potterybarn.com, bananarepublic.com and coach. com: You even get free shipping when using your Amex card for Gap, Banana Republic and Eddie Bauer.
njmbanks.com: I've used many of the financing tools available to see if refinancing would benefit us.
sikids.com: I bought some of our godchildren Sports Illustrated for Kids subscription for their birthday or Christmas present.